"Healthy habits to last a lifetime."
Laura Chenault / Co-Chair & Head of Marketing / Philly Maker Faire
20-Second Activities
Our activities are the length of time recommended by the CDC to wash your hands.
Tree Gnasher 3000
In this 20-second game, if you don't wash your hands the monkey won't escape the tree gnasher!
Hungry Hungry Monkey
In this 20-second game, if you don't wash your hands the monkey won't get any bananas!
Handwashing Guide
In this 20-second guide, toddlers will learn to wash their hands according to the CDC guidelines!
30% Off Jonti-Craft® Portable Sink
$3099 $4014
What's Included?
Jonti-Craft® Portable Sink (Product Link)
HiGeneMonkey Attachment Kit:
Automatic Smart Faucet
19" Monitor & Mount
46" Wooden Stand
1 Interactive Guide for Toddlers
2 Interactive Games for Kids